Rabu, Agustus 05, 2009

my kind of guy

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.

if you a guy- post this as my kind of girl..
if your a girl- post it as my kind of guy..

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
• boleh tapi jangan good looking menurut semua orang nanti bahaya!

2. Smart?
•yes... like me! tapi jangan sok pinter

3. Preferred age?
• lebih tua lebih bagus, tapi menurut pengalaman yang muda lebih seru...

4. Preferred height?
• lebih tingggi dari gw!!!

5. How about sense of humor?
• HARUS! g suka ketawa...

6. How about piercings?

7. Accepts you for who you are?

8. Pink hair?
• G benci pink. gw botakin dulu tuh cowo deh!

9. Mushy or no?
• hah...gak ngerti

10. Thin or fat?
•chubby..klo thin nanti kebanting sama gw

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
• white..yang sedang-sedang sajalah

12. Long hair or short hair?
• short jangan panjang ntar rambut indah g tersaingi donk!

13. Plastic or metal?
• apa ini? anak metal !

14. Smells good?
• ehm...yapz... g suka cowo wangi

15. Smoker?
• NO! ntar duit habi+kanker+ cepet mati (beneficial g ntar laku keras)

16. Drinker?
•boleh asal bukan pemabuk..

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
• next door type mah...jelek... NEXT KOMPLEKS TYPE baru g mau(maksud!!)

18. Muscular?
• ehm...tergantung

19. Plays piano?
• so sweet...mau

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
• ok1 duet bareng dong...

21. Plays violin?
• waduh g nyari musisi apa??? boleh juga

22. Sings very good?
• iya dong gak boleh cempreng, gw kan vokalis....masa cwo g cempreng

23. Vain?

24. With glasses?
•terserah, g juga pake...

25. With braces?
• ih...no

26. Shy type?
• boleh tapi sebaiknya jangan!

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
• rebel is the best!

28. Active or passive?
• active klo passive ngebosenin!

29. Tight or bomb?
• gak ngerti....

30. Singer or dancer?
• singer kayak g.klo cwo dancer giman gitu!

31. Stunner?
• wah...

32. Hiphop?
• tergantung...tapi g lebih suka gak!

33. Earrings?
•NO..NO g aja jarang pake anting!

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
• loh ngapain mengungkit masa lalu, terserah juga sih....

35. Dimples?
• mau.....lucu......imut.......

36. Bookworm?
• jangan deh...

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
• so sweet..boleh tapi kenapa gak sms/telpon/email aja

38. Playful?
• yoyoy, harus g kan playful....

39. Flirt?
• hehehe...boleh lucu tuh tapi flirt nya cuma boleh sama gw!

40. Poem writer?
• duh...terserah deh tapi g gak suka yang gombal...

41. Serious?
• boleh tergantung situasi...g kan plegmatis

42. Campus crush?
• ih...waw...boleh tu

43. Painter?
• gak guna...tapi klo berbakat ya sudah

44. Religious?
• biar g tobat gitu! boleh lah.....

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
• gak ngerti

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
• boleh ayo maen CS/DOTA bareng......

47. Speaks 20 languages?
• duh sulit...gw harus ngeles lagi dong!

48. Loyal or faithful?
• 2-2nya dong

49. good kisser
• pertanyaan gak mutu.... iya deh,wkakaaa..

50. loves children??
• YAPZZ i love children too.....rumah g kan suka jadi penitipan bayi+balita!

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