Sabtu, Agustus 04, 2012

One evening

Classic to me is missing you without trying to relieve it
To ask "Hi how are you?" And to tell my daily life without you

One evening I've been typing a message for you, but I am re-thinking
Finally, I delete that message, I am afraid you ignoring me
I felt a long time waiting for you to ask me "What about your daily life?"
Until now you never took the initiative to start talks first
You should know that the hardest thing for me is hold my feelings, being rigid, to be ignoring you, and think all is fine
You must know the feeling of tightness when I hold my fingers for you to comment on your display picture, it's hard not to comment on the status of you, it's a pain
You never get started, then I think that would end all that I might start my own, a sense that I should not start, I think, I was talking about, and I keep in my brain memory
I will  remove  how friendly you are, how funny you are, how wonderful you are, and how stupid I am not control my own feelings
I never crossed your brain, then I will not stop in your heart, Im not your tipe of girl : skinny,
I was too weak to fight, I was afraid to fight against the fear in myself, I'm afraid one day you disappear when I really trust  and addicted to you
Oh no I never entirely trust anything in this world, never - and that's my problems!

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