Jumat, Oktober 12, 2012


Percaya sama yang namanya jodoh?
Atau beberapa pertemuan mungkin hanya kebetulan?

Ya udahlah, kalaupun dua manusia memang berjodoh atau sebuah kebetulan masalahnya bukan pada apa yang ada di balik pertemuan, semua itu tergantung perjalanannya, iya gak?
Gak ada hal yang pasti sebenernya, tapi gak ada salahnya dicoba.
Toh manusia memang hidup penuh risiko. 

Semua kisah pada akhirnya pasti ada bahagianya! Tergantung perspektif mana yang dirasa, cara mensyukurinya, dan seberapa keras usaha untuk mencapai happy ending tersebut.
Bayangin aja kalau usahanya kadang gencar, eh kadang nyungsep ke jurang (baca: gak konsisten), trus 2 hari ngasi kabar, 6 hari ilang peredaran. Abis itu pas ketemu nyapa juga kaga, berani cuma di dunia virtual. Ya udah deh akhirnya the end (hal ini terjadi pada beberapa hubungan).

Hubungan yang berhasil itu berasal dari konsistensi dan feed back yang baik. Gak perlu juga tiap jam nanya-nanya atau nyari topik, semua hal penting emangnya buat dikasi tau? Kaga juga...
Gimana kalau berkarya lalu rayakan, nah pasangan-pasangan macam ini yang 'cucok bok' (bahasa gaul para lambay-ers).

Berhubung saya tidak galau dan tidak ingin galau mari kita baca satu lirik lagu di bawah ini:

Last night I dream that you were beside me
It seems so real that I cried
When you've touched me
You're my angel
And you've given me wings

And I fly away with you wherever you go
Cause you filled my heart and you captured my soul
And baby i want you to know

If there's one thing in this world that I know is true
It's the love that I feel when I'm thinking of you
No ocean or mountain can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
All the hopes and the dreams are alive
I'll carry you with me through distance and time
Nothing in this world can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart

And I know there's a million stars between us
But that won't stop my longing
To hold you and to kiss you
How I love you

And I'll find my way to you wherever you are
Coz you're in my soul and you've got my heart
And your love will carry me on

If there's one thing in this world that I know is true
It's the love that I feel when I'm thinking of you
No ocean or mountain can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
All the hopes and the dreams are alive
I'll carry you with me through distance and time
Nothing in this world can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart

Here in my arms,were you should be
Cause your love that makes me believe
That nothing or no one can tear us apart cause baby your in my heart

If there's one thing in this world that I know is true
It's the love that I feel when I'm thinking of you
No ocean or mountain can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
All the hopes and the dreams are alive
I'll carry you with me through distance and time
Nothing in this world can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart

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